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Selling Sustainability How Owners Of Worcester Second Hand Shops Are Navigating In A Fast Fashion World



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Selling Sustainability explores the experiences of second-hand shop owners in Worcester navigating the fast fashion industry to promote sustainability and educate customers. Owners like Maria Pappas of Modern Muse focus on unique, durable pieces, while Molly McGrath of Grime considers reselling fast fashion items based on customer demand, emphasizing affordability and accessibility in sustainable fashion.
Selling Sustainability is a platform that focuses on the experiences and strategies of owners of second-hand shops in Worcester as they navigate the fast fashion world. With the rise of thrifting and the negative impact of fast fashion on the environment and workers, these owners are committed to promoting sustainability and educating their customers. While Maria Pappas, owner of Modern Muse, only stocks one-of-a-kind pieces that will last, Molly McGrath, owner of Grime, is open to reselling fast fashion items if they align with her customers' preferences. Both owners recognize the importance of affordability and accessibility in promoting sustainable fashion. Selling Sustainability aims to shed light on the challenges and opportunities faced by second-hand shop owners in the era of fast fashion.
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